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Dorothy’s Stormy Lake Part V
The biggest event in the 1950s was the arrival of electric power to Walkers Landing. Dorothy documented the building of the tower for the transmission lines across Kootenay Lake as well as their own efforts to become an electrified household. The isolation of the East shore of Kootenay Lake disappears as the Bluebell mine brings an influx of new people and life took on new dimensions. Some needed help building homes so Bobby put his carpenter skills to use. School location and transportation became local issues. There was a strike at the mine. New groups were formed including PTA, Girl Guides, and a Hobby club. People kept arriving at Walkers Landing for both short and longs stays. There were immigrants from war torn Europe searching for a new life and a group of Californians looking for wilderness living. The Sons of Freedom stepped up their acts of terrorism. Dorothy had a life threatening illness which forced a move away from the shore of her stormy lake. This is the final book in the series.
Background of the Dorothy's Stormy Lake Series
Born in England in the late 1890s, Dorothy Douglas immigrated to the United States in her early teens, graduating Summa Cum Laude from the University of California at Berkeley. She then studied art in Belgium, taught school in the Philippine Islands, and traveled throughout the world. After receiving her master's degree, Dorothy spent the next several years as a social worker in the
San Francisco area. It was there she met Bobby Graham Brown who had immigrated to Canada from England in the 1920s. Dorothy married Bobby in San Francisco in 1930 after a long courtship and moved to Kootenay Lake in British Columbia where Bobby had purchased property. Dorothy's city life had ill-prepared her for the rigors of rural life in a sparsely populated has-been mining region where they depended on a small creek for electricity and water. Their only means of transport was a small boat on a very large and stormy lake. Dorothy's deep love for her husband, her positive attitude, and her eagerness to learn made up for her lack of domestic experience. She welcomed the challenges of their new life with enthusiasm and quick wit. In detailed letters, Dorothy told of learning to cook, mend and attend to the dozens of daily chores necessary in order to survive. She described the unique and sometimes eccentric people who lived around the lake, and she revealed the occasional loneliness she accepted as part of life in an isolated area. Dorothy saved a copy of each letter she wrote and these copies comprise her colorful, insightful and personal record of life in the backwoods.

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